Saturday, September 25, 2010

Him and him - by Marilyn Harewood

An excellent post by Marilyn Harewood...

Look at him, he is just so full of himself. See how he struts about with his chest pushed out and his chin lifted high. too bad, he really does not know that he is just a bag of blood, guts and goo covered by a flesh bag. yuck!!!!!, but he thinks he is as great as HIM. He thinks he is invincible. look at his head swelling because of the accolades and applause of the other bags of goo. look at how he swaggers about, praising and worshiping himself.
Pride goes before the fall, repent you pitiful lump of rotting meat, be still in your stubborn prideful heart, destruction is closer than you think. you are not HIM, only HE is HIM.

Although you are the object of men's worship and adoration,it is only because you have adorned yourself with fine cloth and jewels and set up your golden throne in the middle of the square, in the noonday sun determined to present yourself as HIM.

Careful fool, worship belongs to HIM alone, no man should be foolish enough to attempt to rob HIS Glory. oh-oh, too late! he has wandered into the most dangerous area anyone could go into. now you've done it. there in the darkness of his heart the throbbing unrepentant sin rises up to take possession of the soul. the flesh is consumed with the demands of the unrepentant sin.

Once the act is committed in the mind, and then carried out in the flesh, it is a done deal. and the beat goes on. until the mess explodes. And all because he allowed himself to think that he could rise up and grab Glory From HIM.


REPENT and be saved from yourself.

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