Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Life Cycle of the Average Church

Blessings Family,
I was asked about the piece that I read on the Aug. 20 show titled
'The Life Cycle of the Average Church'

Here it is:

The Life Cycle of the average church - (c) 2006 CT Jermin

I have found in my studies that we (churches, though this formula also holds true in organizations, even cults) tend to follow the same pattern. A pattern that God desires to break us out of:

1) The Revelation/Impartation

It begins with a life changing encounter with God, or a vision imparted.

2) The Sharing/Telling

The sharing of the vision then begins.
Whether it be preaching, or in song, or however, the dissemination of the message begins.

3) The Gathering

The anointing of God, the lure of the vision, and the charisma/integrity of the visionary begins to draw people. Those who have caught the vision now begin to meet together,
praying/praising/worshipping It is the upper room time, leading up to the day of Pentecost

4) The Institutionalization

Gradually, we come to believe that a certain formalization of the organization is necessary. We then set about the task of 'building' the church/movement

5) The Ritualization

We do the things that God showed us that day, practice the things that we believe were the catalyst for the initial encounter, or practice the formula handed down by the visionary.

6) The Stagnation
We stop hearing from God, but do not notice because the ritual and the leader have become the object of attention. The Holy Spirit departs, and few even notice. Oftentimes, we then drift away from the historic doctrines of the faith as a result.

7) The Revolution
The new generation rises up, dissatisfied with the status quo, the "we've always done it this way", or concerned about the departure from doctrine, seeks God's face with the persistence of the widow who wouldn't stop asking (Luke 18:1-8), or the desperation of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5: 25-34). God responds, taking the new generation to step one, where for them the cycle starts again

8) The Degeneration/dissolution
Having become totally engrossed in the form and ritual and prefrences & no longer hearing from God, the church, no longer relevant, fades, and begins a slow death.

Have you seen this happen? I know you have, I have too. .

You might even be living it now...

If you are, what stage is your church at? What can you do to stop it?

I submit to you today brethren, that this need not happen. I submit to you that this should NEVER happen. It is not the will of God. I believe that in order to continue to be relevant, we must make sure that from step we go back to step 1, and repeat 1, 2, 3.

I know that there is a season to every purpose under heaven, but He is from age to age the same. Therefore, by staying close to Him, we can always move when the cloud moves, move the pillar of fire moves.

How will this happen?
By the worship leaders truly becoming worship LEADERS, leading the flock into the presence of the Lord.

Leading because we know how to get in, because we go there regularly. By letting Him be glorified in our lives, and then glorify Him with our lives.

This will produce a level of intimacy and sensitivity to the spirit that will surpass anything that we have experienced before.

By the Pastors seeking God first, not a growth strategies manual, or latest expert analysis on successful ministry. Looking to God who is the author and finisher of our faith, and who knows just what His body needs to grow and flourish...

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