Monday, August 31, 2009

Dedicated to our homeschool familes...

In honor of our homeschool familes within the Fellowship:
Homeschool Family by Tim Hawkins

On the serious side, though. I am so proud of those of you who are taking matters of education into your own hands. There is nothing more important or God honoring than to train up our children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, especially in times like these.
God Bless You!!!

What makes a lyric distinctively Christian?

Hello Family,

I've been thinking a lot lately about songs that are "spiritual" verses songs that are Christian. What I've been thinking: Must we as Christians be more deliberate in our praise to our Lord Jesus Christ when we pen a song? Particularly if we plan to send it out to the secular ear? Sure it is easy to know amongst my brothers and sisters in Christ that when we sing "God" that our theology, our "creed" is of likemindedness, which by the way is becoming even more difficult to discern in our postdenominational/transdenominational "relevant" new church model. Does the true "God" we sing about in our Christian/secular endeavors get lost in the mix?

It is becoming more and more evident that "God" has become "god" in our culture. Recent articles espouse that American religion is beginning to appear more Hindu like than ever--"Pick a god any god...All paths converge to the same mountain top" After all Gandhi had much to say about God. So what makes Gandi's "God" different than the Christian God? The "God" that makes his way onto the secular airwaves. When I sing of "God" to a secular audience is it wise to surmise that my audience knows that I am pointing to God through Christ? Am I deceiving myself to think that my song that speaks of "God" will draw others into a closer walk with Christ? Can I assume that they even care of who "God" is to me? In general the secular audience has little difficulty in "spirituality". In fact "spirituality" makes secularism feel better about itself.

I have no doubt that the secular world wants to hear nothing of "Jesus" unless they can redefine Him and repackage Him. As they have already done with "God" and are busy doing the same to "Christianity".

Carrie Underwood says, "Jesus take the Wheel" and then sings " I dug my key into the side of his pretty little suped up four wheel drive Carved my name into his leather seats took a Louisville slugger to both headlights slashed a hole in all four tires maybe next time he'll think before he cheats"...then in her follow up single she ends up waking up in a Las Vegas hotel bed with a hangover, a wedding ring on her finger not even knowing her last name. Is Ms. Underwood sending mixed messages? I'm just sayin'. Is this the Christianity that Christians sell to the secular audience thinking that we are evangelizing? Do we as Christians use "God" in our lyrics to justify our pursuits in the secular market? Do we preach (sing) of a "God" that helps a secular audience to "believe" AND hold onto what they've got? This God we afford it spreading delusion; more harm than good?

Do we ignorantly believe that the "God" that tingles the ears of a secular audience is the same God we followers of Christ sing of in our churches and lives? Do we fuel the illusion when we sing of God but not Christ and then market it to a secular audience thinking it will eventually evangelize to them?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

At our 8/30 Service we will be discussing

The Attributes of God.
Attributes of God – The Meaning, The Characteristics
What do we really know about God?
What does John 3:16 really mean?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The local church baggage claim

I thought I would share with my family some of what is the local church,

On Aug 25, 2009, at 8:47 AM, *** wrote:

Hi to Him-Who-Is-Not-My-Enemy,

I still feel like I can’t handle the stress of hearing your story about the worship team, but maybe sometime soon. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. ***

Hi ***,

It was nice to see you up front worshipping on Sunday. I had hoped to tell you personally before we left but I needed to leave before I got to you. I was planning on emailing you to tell you so, so I am glad you beat me to it as a reminder.

As far as "stress" and the worship team. It's not so much or should I say specifically the worship team @ **** Church that stresses me out. To be more clear I would say that it is how the church with a capital "C" approaches worship that stresses me out. In general worship has become a task, a "less than it should be" kind of routine that borders on apathy. It appears to me, that even the churches that have a more "contemporary" "professional" worship style seem to be increasingly caught up in entertaining themselves more so than glorifying God. The "Style" has been a result of human comfort levels rather than intent on glorifying God. So a simple guitar or 10 piece professional praise band is not the point to be made. It is the approach we take in incorporating it into our Sunday services/other services and our lives.

It was my hope that bringing in my brothers and sisters from outside of **** Church would in some way ignite the congregation to simply push from normal comfort zones, away from "routine" and towards being more intentional in our worship together and in our worship ministry efforts.

To be honest with you my sister, you are one of the few that I have seen modeling worship more passionately. I have heard some say that being "animated" is not generally the Presbyterian "the frozen chosen" which I say "Don't be ridiculous!" LOL. As you may have recognized already my passion and emotions are easy to see. Sometimes for the good but other times often misinterpreted when it is outside of specifically leading worship. I have also come to recognize that because my emotions run deep they are not easy to hide no matter how I am feeling. I humbly venture to say the same might ring true for you. More often than not words can't explain what we feel. But we frustratingly try anyway which leads to further frustrations both in us and others. And at least for me in an attempt to be transparent leaves most feeling suspicion rather than making them more understanding. I have simply come to accept this reality; that part of the cross that I carry is that I tend to push people out of their comfort zones, which in turn evokes a defensive,suspicious reaction from most. My goal is never to simply cause trouble but rather to have the gospel proclaimed louder and to have more embrace our Savior with their very lives.

I am fairly new to **** Church. You have heard some of what is on my heart and also had an opportunity to see me worship and serve. To be honest, the church animal, no matter where I go is a bit of a struggle for me because I do indeed feel that, "the day is near". I have little patience for the slow way that has become the normal approach of church ministry. To me, there are too many lost sheep, too many wayward sheep, and too many goats amongst the sheep in the church congregation.

So how do we as a body of believers push forward and at the same time protect the body? How do we discern each others spiritual gifts? How do we empower each other and build one another up? These are just a few of the questions to be answered. Most of the time my general response to these type of questions is: "We must prepare and equip ourselves to 'GO!'...BE BOLD..we must go into enemy territory (specifically for me this means our schools) and fight to take it back! We must stop being weak sheep, stop hunkering down behind our church doors, afraid of what lies outside our church doors. We must TALK, PLAN AND ACT...i repeat AND ACT!

Perhaps sister, you are saying, "What the heck did I say that hoisted Mykel onto the soapbox?" Well....I just wanted to make clear that "my story about the worship team" is not specific to **** Church and my efforts are not meant to cause stress but to encourage action rather than complacency. And yes ***, I am indeed "Him-Who-Is-NOT-your-Enemy"

With the love of Christ,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Life Cycle of the Average Church

Blessings Family,
I was asked about the piece that I read on the Aug. 20 show titled
'The Life Cycle of the Average Church'

Here it is:

The Life Cycle of the average church - (c) 2006 CT Jermin

I have found in my studies that we (churches, though this formula also holds true in organizations, even cults) tend to follow the same pattern. A pattern that God desires to break us out of:

1) The Revelation/Impartation

It begins with a life changing encounter with God, or a vision imparted.

2) The Sharing/Telling

The sharing of the vision then begins.
Whether it be preaching, or in song, or however, the dissemination of the message begins.

3) The Gathering

The anointing of God, the lure of the vision, and the charisma/integrity of the visionary begins to draw people. Those who have caught the vision now begin to meet together,
praying/praising/worshipping It is the upper room time, leading up to the day of Pentecost

4) The Institutionalization

Gradually, we come to believe that a certain formalization of the organization is necessary. We then set about the task of 'building' the church/movement

5) The Ritualization

We do the things that God showed us that day, practice the things that we believe were the catalyst for the initial encounter, or practice the formula handed down by the visionary.

6) The Stagnation
We stop hearing from God, but do not notice because the ritual and the leader have become the object of attention. The Holy Spirit departs, and few even notice. Oftentimes, we then drift away from the historic doctrines of the faith as a result.

7) The Revolution
The new generation rises up, dissatisfied with the status quo, the "we've always done it this way", or concerned about the departure from doctrine, seeks God's face with the persistence of the widow who wouldn't stop asking (Luke 18:1-8), or the desperation of the woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5: 25-34). God responds, taking the new generation to step one, where for them the cycle starts again

8) The Degeneration/dissolution
Having become totally engrossed in the form and ritual and prefrences & no longer hearing from God, the church, no longer relevant, fades, and begins a slow death.

Have you seen this happen? I know you have, I have too. .

You might even be living it now...

If you are, what stage is your church at? What can you do to stop it?

I submit to you today brethren, that this need not happen. I submit to you that this should NEVER happen. It is not the will of God. I believe that in order to continue to be relevant, we must make sure that from step we go back to step 1, and repeat 1, 2, 3.

I know that there is a season to every purpose under heaven, but He is from age to age the same. Therefore, by staying close to Him, we can always move when the cloud moves, move the pillar of fire moves.

How will this happen?
By the worship leaders truly becoming worship LEADERS, leading the flock into the presence of the Lord.

Leading because we know how to get in, because we go there regularly. By letting Him be glorified in our lives, and then glorify Him with our lives.

This will produce a level of intimacy and sensitivity to the spirit that will surpass anything that we have experienced before.

By the Pastors seeking God first, not a growth strategies manual, or latest expert analysis on successful ministry. Looking to God who is the author and finisher of our faith, and who knows just what His body needs to grow and flourish...

Hello my beloved brothers and sisters.

I wanted to tell all of you who joined me in worship last week @ Hope Church know that the Holy Spirit is moving in the congregation. One example in particular is: Amy up front helping to leading worship this week. Cyril can fill you in a bit about why that is particularly a good thing. I felt a change, but I also recognize at the same time the "stuck in a rut" motions that are prevalent @ HOPE. Please continue to pray that God chooses to use me to glorify him @ HOPE and that my brothers and sisters there will see "the day is near".

Equally encouraging is that Pastor Jeff was certainly used as a vessel of the Holy Spirit @ today's service. His message was timely and the Holy Spirit was speaking loudly and in no uncertain ways to many; noticeably to both Robin and I to our son Jessi specifically. Cyril, I am comfortable having you share w/ my RPFL family what is currently happening in our life and why I mention my son. Jessi along with the rest of us need your prayers. We are indeed praying for God's miraculous healing, truly believing that He is able to have this cup pass. But to be completely honest, somehow fear still weighs upon us. We say we are ready to trust in our LORD... NO MATTER WHAT, but we recognize that it will certainly be a very trying cross to carry if our fears are not relieved. I for one would rather scream the joy of His MIRACLE in Jessi's life, which is very much our own life too. Timing of events seems to be equally difficult. Sending our youngest daughter Michelle off to college yesterday for the first time, has made our days and nights an even more challenging emotional roller coaster ride.

Please pray that Jessi will wholeheartedly open his whole being up to the Holy Spirit and draw closer to God in a new and life changing way.

Pastor Jeff's message certainly spoke volumes to me, leaving me confident that God IS indeed speaking to Jessi. I don't believe in coincidences. It is also quite obvious that as the Holy Spirit speaks to Jessi, the world is busy trying to speak louder; working even harder to hold onto him. Jessi's self-pride and ill spent vested time is very much at work fueling him against God; helping him fight against the Holy Spirit. Nothing would make me happier right now than to see the enemy pinned quickly and for Jessi to raise his personal Savior high, proclaiming "VICTORY in JESUS!" I am comfortable knowing that Satan and his dominion are not a formidable opponent when it comes to Our God, but I am also quite aware that some demons are very strong, especially when it comes to our weakness. Especially when our pride and stubbornness deceives us making us believe we can fight the world and evil without the aid of the Holy Spirit; that somehow WE are able to do it on our own.

Please pray. Please be in prayer with me and my family for both a miracle and most of all for a Holy Spirit kind of change in Jessi's life.

Here is what this Sunday's service was focused on. Right now I am praying that the pit Jessi is feeling in his stomach and the tiredness he is experiencing is the cleansing of the Holy Spirit in his life.

The Scripture reading before this morning prayer was 1 John 2:15-17:

Do Not Love the World
15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.

Pastor Jeff's message: Romans 13:8-14

Love, for the Day is Near
8Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. 9The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 10Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. 11And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

Your brother in Christ,

Friday, August 21, 2009

What a wonder!

Hey Repairer's Fellowship Family!

I think this is so wonderful to have a blog to write out the goings on in our lives, thoughts that we want to share or just plain ole shout outs to one another. What a blessing! I look forward to writing and reading your comments, stories or whatever is on your mind.
Yeah to The Repairers Fellowship Family!!

Big Hugs